Posts Tagged ‘MUMPS’

Domen Stadler Project consist of Visual Studio solution for mumps solver library. It also include input files for testing and a WinForm to modify Mumps source files in order to compile and use them under the 64-bit or 32-bit windows environment.

Below I have documented the compilation of MUMPS 4.10.0 with 8 Byte integers on 64-bit Windows. One may need 8 Byte integers in the case of the serial version of MUMPS when the number of entries in the factor is more than 2^32. METIS For ordering, I employ METIS and it must be compatible with […]

This text and example files are contributed by Carlo de Falco The files are at /files/contrib/carlo.defalco/ I assume that you have already read Sample code in C++ to run MUMPS. The goal in this section is to compare two codes to run the mumps solver in serial and in parallel.  We would like to develop a command line tool that will […]

Domen Stadler Files are in /files/contrib/domen.stadler/ For startes, this work was performed on the Windows XP 32 bit computer, but there is no reason to occur any troubles on other windows platforms. To be able to compile, one would need following software: -MUMPS source code ( (tried with versions 4.8.0 and 4.10.0), -WinMUMPS package ( […]

Solvers MUMPS and PARDISO are different from TAUCS and UMFPACK in respect that they posses more functionality within the same interface. For example they can work with positive definite, indefinite or unsymmetric matrices and the switch is done through a single variable. They also support out-of-core and this setting  is controlled by another variable. The LinearSolver interface for […]

I assume that you have already read Sample code in C++ to run TAUCS. The goal in this section is to compare two codes to run different sparse solvers when the purpose of the code is actually quite similar.  We would like to develop a command line tool that will read a matrix and a right-hand side run_mumps […]

Introduction MUMPS is a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver developed CERFACS, ENSEEIHT-IRIT, and INRIA: MUMPS is a free solver but it is necessary to register to download it. It is relatively easy to compile MUMPS under Unix – it is just necessary to slightly modify, several version of which come with the […]

Introduction MUMPS is a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver developed CERFACS, ENSEEIHT-IRIT, and INRIA: MUMPS is a free solver but it is necessary to register to download it. It is relatively easy to compile MUMPS under Unix – it is just necessary to slightly modify, several version of which come with the […]