# # This file is part of MUMPS 4.8.4, built on Mon Dec 15 15:31:38 UTC 2008 # topdir = .. libdir = $(topdir)/lib default: d .PHONY: default all s d c z clean .SECONDEXPANSION: all: s d c z s: ssimpletest d: dsimpletest c_example c: csimpletest z: zsimpletest include $(topdir)/Makefile.inc LIBMUMPS_COMMON = $(libdir)/libmumps_common$(PLAT).lib LIBSMUMPS = $(libdir)/libsmumps$(PLAT).lib $(LIBMUMPS_COMMON) ssimpletest: $(LIBSMUMPS) $$@.o $(FL) -o $@ $(OPTL) ssimpletest.o $(LIBSMUMPS) $(LIBM) $(LIBBLAS) $(LIBOTHERS) $(LORDERINGS) LIBDMUMPS = $(libdir)/libdmumps$(PLAT).lib $(LIBMUMPS_COMMON) dsimpletest: $(LIBDMUMPS) $$@.o $(FL) -o $@ $(OPTL) dsimpletest.o $(LIBDMUMPS) $(LIBM) $(LIBBLAS) $(LIBOTHERS) $(LORDERINGS) LIBCMUMPS = $(libdir)/libcmumps$(PLAT).lib $(LIBMUMPS_COMMON) csimpletest: $(LIBCMUMPS) $$@.o $(FL) -o $@ $(OPTL) csimpletest.o $(LIBCMUMPS) $(LIBM) $(LIBBLAS) $(LIBOTHERS) $(LORDERINGS) LIBZMUMPS = $(libdir)/libzmumps$(PLAT).lib $(LIBMUMPS_COMMON) zsimpletest: $(LIBZMUMPS) $$@.o $(FL) -o $@ $(OPTL) zsimpletest.o $(LIBZMUMPS) $(LIBM) $(LIBBLAS) $(LIBOTHERS) $(LORDERINGS) c_example: $(LIBDMUMPS) $$@.o $(FL) -o $@ $(OPTL) $@.o $(LIBDMUMPS) $(LIBM) $(LIBBLAS) $(LIBOTHERS) $(LORDERINGS) .SUFFIXES: .c .F .o .F.o: $(FC) $(OPTF) $(INC) -I. -I$(topdir)/include -c $*.F -Fo$*.o .c.o: $(CC) $(OPTC) $(INC) -I. -I$(topdir)/include -c $*.c -Fo$*.o $(libdir)/libsmumps$(PLAT).lib: @echo 'Error: you should build the library' $@ 'first' exit -1 $(libdir)/libdmumps$(PLAT).lib: @echo 'Error: you should build the library' $@ 'first' exit -1 $(libdir)/libcmumps$(PLAT).lib: @echo 'Error: you should build the library' $@ 'first' exit -1 $(libdir)/libzmumps$(PLAT).lib: @echo 'Error: you should build the library' $@ 'first' exit -1 $(LIBMUMPS_COMMON): @echo 'Error: you should build the library' $@ 'first' exit -1 clean: $(RM) *.o [sdcz]simpletest c_example