#define C++ compiler and its flags CPP = cl FLAGS = -O2 -EHsc -MD -D_SECURE_SCL=0 # define BLAS libraries (right now it is MKL) BLASLIB = mkl_intel_c.lib mkl_intel_thread.lib mkl_core.lib libiomp5md.lib # In case of MS VC it is also possible to use environment variable # INCLUDE and LIB to define location of include files and libraries. # This is the case for BLAS and PARDISO in my example #METIS (this is necessary for TAUCS and MUMPS) METISLOC = /users/erudnyi/work/ms/lib/bin METISLIB = libmetis.lib #TAUCS (if you do not need it, leave everything blank) TAUCSINC = /users/erudnyi/work/lib/include TAUCSLOC = /users/erudnyi/work/ms/lib/bin TAUCSLIB = libtaucs.lib #MUMPS (if you do not need it, leave everything blank) MUMPSINC = /users/erudnyi/work/lib/include MUMPSLOC = /users/erudnyi/work/ms/lib/bin MUMPSLIB = libdmumps.lib libmumps_common.lib libmpiseq.lib #UMFPACK (if you do not need it, leave everything blank) UMFPACKINC = /users/erudnyi/work/lib/include UMFPACKLOC = /users/erudnyi/work/ms/lib/bin UMFPACKLIB = umfpack.lib amd.lib #PARDISO (if you do not need it, leave everything blank) PARDISOINC = PARDISOLOC = PARDISOLIB = mkl_solver.lib